分類: 佈道與宣教
Nuclear Threat & Endwar
As the world witnesses the outbreak of Russia-Ukraine conflict, tragedies occur on a daily basis. The Polish vice prime minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski said during an interview with the German press that Poland is armed and prepared with American nuclear weapons.
正當全球目睹著俄烏戰爭爆發之後,每日都上演著可怕的悲劇時,與烏克蘭接壤的波蘭,其「波蘭副總理兼國家安全防務委員會主席卡臣斯基(Jaroslaw Kaczynski)接受德國周日世界報訪問時說,波蘭準備好在境內部署美國核武。」
Russia and Ukraine
While the world is slowly recovering from the threat of the Omicron variant, on February 24, 2022, Russia suddenly invaded Ukraine!A military attack initiated by President Putin, the largest military operation in Europe since WWII, is intended to “demilitarize” and “denazify” Ukraine.
國宣電子資源中心(IFSTM eResource Center)的創建
1989年主引導我參觀了美國伊利諾州惠敦學院的葛培理中心博物館 (Billy Graham Center Museum, Wheaton College, Illinois),[1]它是一個匯聚文物展覽、歷史資料、3D多媒體福音自助旅程、圖書館、紀念品店等多元組合,我從中得到啟迪⋯⋯
Yes, WE Can!2017-21香港青年宣教培育研究
建道神學院跨越文化研究部(Inter-cultural Studies, ICS)於2017年5月4-6日慶祝立系四十週年時,在香港舉辦了亞洲宣教會議「今日的宣教訓練──亞洲經驗」⋯⋯