Name:Precious Gospel
Nature:A Training Manual for Personal Evangelism
Publisher:Hong Kong Christian Short Term Mission Training Centre & Chinese Evangelistic Resource Centre
Spiritual Peace Welcome Spring and Brings Peace——Spiritual Peace
▪︎Topic: Spiritual Peace Welcome Spring and Brings Peace---Spiritual Peace
▪︎Nature: Share New Year Gospel through Chinese Paper-cutting Art
▪︎Designer and Presenter: Rev. Dr. Timothy Tin
▪︎Language: English
▪︎Date: Jan. 2025
Spiritual Peace Welcome Spring and Brings Peace——Spring Open
▪︎Topic: Spiritual Peace Welcome Spring and Brings Peace---Spring Open
▪︎Nature: Share New Year Gospel through Chinese Paper-cutting Art
▪︎Designer and Presenter: Rev. Dr. Timothy Tin
▪︎Language: English
▪︎Date: Jan. 2025
末世預兆與福音廣傳 The Sign of The-end-of-age and Evangelism(華語/英語)
講員 Speaker:滕張佳音博士 Dr. K. Y. Cheung Teng
主题 Title:末世預兆與福音廣傳 The Sign of The-end-of-age and Evangelism
經文 Scripture:(太廿四 3-14) (Matthew 24:3-14)
日期 Date:2023.12.31
語言 Language:華語/英語 Mandarin/ English
地點 Venue:芝城西北郊華人浸信會 Chinese Baptist Church of NW Suburbs
God’s Creation of Life & Man’s Choice of Death

Every person in this world has the freedom to choose; however, this personal freedom is limited and conditional. We all can choose what we like and how we do things, when it is bound by the situation or legal constraints.
[Storm Buster] Storm Surge
![[Storm Buster] Storm Surge [Storm Buster] Storm Surge](
Storm surge causes inundation of large swaths of coastal land. Eleven years ago, storm surge from Hurricane Sandy havocked large damages in New York (NY) and New Jersey (NJ). Today, some of those destructions are still noticeable and remain unrepaired.
[Interesting Adventures] The New Economic Development District Policy in Vietnam
![[Interesting Adventures] The New Economic Development District Policy in Vietnam [Interesting Adventures] The New Economic Development District Policy in Vietnam](
The Vietnamese government had planned well ahead and prepared many makeshift-hut developments such as the one we were sent among all the villages and provinces.
[Interesting Adventures] Suppressing the Merchants (Part II)
![[Interesting Adventures] Suppressing the Merchants (Part II) [Interesting Adventures] Suppressing the Merchants (Part II)](
Upon the confiscation of our family-cloth-business, there was an undercover policewoman stationed at our home for three weeks every day from 7:00 am till 6:00 pm. Our every move was scrutinized⋯⋯
[Storm Buster] Autumn Foliage Forecast
![[Storm Buster] Autumn Foliage Forecast [Storm Buster] Autumn Foliage Forecast](
Autumn is pleasant. It has many public holidays for the most populous countries in the northern hemisphere. In the U.S. we have Labor Day, Columbus Day and the Veterans Day. In China there are Mid-Autumn Festival and Double-Yang Festival.
The Eternal Meaning Behind Thanksgiving

When people think of Thanksgiving, we often think of the bountiful feast with turkey and other dishes. How often do people remember the treacherous journey of the Puritans, who came upon the shores of North America on the Mayflower and their harrowing experience as they settled upon Provincetown, Massachusetts?
[Good Questions] What is Truth? Part 2
![[Good Questions] What is Truth? Part 2 [Good Questions] What is Truth? Part 2](
In the article I wrote last time, I shared three characteristics of truth with you. First, the truth is fact. Second, truth is trustworthy. Third, truth is correct. Besides these, truth has the following characteristics as well:
[Good Questions] What is Truth?
![[Good Questions] What is Truth? [Good Questions] What is Truth?](
“What is truth?” Pontius Pilate, the Governor who judged Jesus, had also asked this question. The Bible records that Pilate returned to the palace, summoned Jesus and asked him, “Are you the king of the Jews?”
[Storm Buster Series] Preempt Wildfires
![[Storm Buster Series] Preempt Wildfires [Storm Buster Series] Preempt Wildfires](
We were all stunned by the apocalyptic scenes of devastation and destitution caused by wildfires in Maui, HI. The utter sense of desolation and desperation was overwhelmingly sad. It destroyed the idyllic Island of Maui. Many people are still in denial and disbelief when they look at the news reports.
Hidden Numbers in the Bible & the Wisdom of the Almighty

There are countless great works of literature in the world, but only the Bible is the foremost book of wonder. Not only are there ancient manuscripts of it and hold the records of having the most translations, but also there are numerous authors to the Bible as well.
[Interesting Adventures] The Oppressed Merchants (1)
![[Interesting Adventures] The Oppressed Merchants (1) [Interesting Adventures] The Oppressed Merchants (1)](
Mom and dad ran a textile and cloth business for thirty years. Their humble street hawker beginning was never remote. Only through thrift living and hard work did mom and dad gradually expand their business and eventually proudly owned a retail shop in the middle of the vegetable markets.

Heatwaves in many parts of the Northern Hemisphere captured the public’s attention. The inadequacy of the central air conditioning units in many of the northern cities testifies to the unexpected increase in air temperature across Northern Europe, Asia and America.
Cultural Divide

Born in Vietnam, my siblings of six including myself, lived in a Chinese town called “Cholon”. Cantonese was the business dialect that even the native Vietnamese learned to speak. Many of the Vietnamese natives sent their children to Chinese schools.
Global Boiling: the Call for End Times

On July 27th, the U.N. Secretary General Antonio Guterres issued a dire warning: “The era of global warming has ended, the era of global boiling has arrived.” According to World Weather Attribution (WWA) which analyzed worldwide weather patterns and statistics, the month of July was possibly the hottest period in Planet Earth’s 120,000 years of history.
Escape the Death Trap of the Titan

On June 18, 2023 at 8 am EST, a state-of-the-art submersible led by OceanGate Expeditions’ founder and CEO Stockton Rush, made its descent in Canada’s Newfoundland province approximately 375 miles east of the coastal town of St. Johns. Its objective was to explore the unsinkable Titanic’s wreckage, which sank 111 years ago, its mysteries and at a depth of nearly 13,000 feet below sea.
Chaotic schools and rampant superstitions

When the communists took over Vietnam in 1975, my second eldest brother (David), I and my younger brother (Kevin) were studying in the “Same Heart” middle-and-elementary school in Cholon, Vietnam. Originally a private school, it was changed to a public school under the communist government.
The Unfathomable Deep Space and Seas

Man is an adventurous creature. In the pre-pandemic year of 2019 the US travel and tourism industry generated 1.9 trillion dollars in economic output. That was a startling 9% of the nation’s corresponding GDP of 21.38 trillion dollars in 2019.