A Fatal Journey in Pursuit of Beauty

Author: Pastor Timothy Tin
Translator: Mandy Kwan

Since the dawn of mankind, men and women have been seeking physical beauty. As plastic surgery’s techniques advance, they can certainly reverse aging and revert back to one’s youthful days.

Due to the expensive cost of these procedures, many of these plastic surgical procedures are done in Mexico – making it the most popular destination for worldwide medical tourism. It is especially attractive to Canadian and American citizens because of its close proximity.

Unfortunately, Mexico’s drug cartel has become so potent that Mexico has turned into a fertile ground of illegal arms trade and drug trafficking. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, drug trafficking generates a profit of 13.6 billion to 48.4 billion and it’s ever increasing, with forty million drug users in Mexico and U.S. combined. During the Mexican President Felipe Calderon’s administration from Dec 2006 to Nov 2012, at least 60 thousand people died due to drug trafficking. In 2013 the death toll rose to 120 thousand, not including nearly 30 thousand that have perished. Mexico might be a heaven for medical tourism, but it is a raging hell for the drug cartel and its victims.

Though the persistent drug cartel has increased the risks of tourists that travel to Mexico, there were still 30 million Americans that visited in November 2022 according to NewsNation. Jennifer Coffindaffer, an FBI agent said in 2021 there were 625 American citizens or permanent residents kidnapped, and the US department of State had issued a travel advisory because there were higher risks of kidnapping in some areas in Mexico. In March of 2023, four Americans ignored this travel warning and crossed the border from Texas for liposuction procedure. They were captured enroute and two of them died! This angered the American public, and even led the U.S. Attorney General William Pelham Barr to plead with President Biden to prepare its U.S. troops stationed in Mexico to be ready for battle against the drug cartel.

On one hand we ought to be sympathetic to the victims, as well as support the survivors of this tragedy. On the other hand, this news is a reminder and warning for us not to chase after vanity and heed wise advice to avoid being kidnapped. Had they heed the warning of the U.S. State Department, they would not have fallen into the wrong hands and died.

However, the eagerness for physical beauty is human instinct. So why would such a terrible tragedy result from this desire? That is because Satan is always lurking around looking for people to fall into sin. “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” (1 Peter 5:8) Also, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy…” (John 10:10) The Bible teaches us to heed God’s warning, and don’t lose our souls over the temporary pleasures and riches of the present world because “Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.” (Proverbs 31:30) Jesus also said, “What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?” (Matthew 16:26)

Only those who seek inner beauty and truth, and the wisdom and fulfillment of the Spirit, will then lead us away from evil and into a world of light. Therefore God sent his only begotten Son Jesus, to warn everyone not to be deceived and bound by Satan. God manifested truth, love, and mercy as Jesus descended to earth and died for our sins. Jesus’ death on the cross revealed to us that a world under Satan’s control is utterly evil. When Jesus resurrected on the third day, God revealed to the world His righteousness and omnipotence. Indeed death and Satan has no hold on us, and the sting of death and hell has been defeated by Jesus’ sacrificial love.

Dear friends, are you willing to accept this soul saving Savior called Jesus Christ?

Author: Rev. (Dr.) Timothy Tin is the lead pastor of the Christian Alliance Bible Church in L.A.. Rev. Tin serves as Board of Director in the International Fellowship of Christian Short Term Missions and Presence Quotient. Rev. Tin is currently teaching in USA Christian Mission Seminary. He holds practitioner’s licenses of acupuncture in Southern CA and NACCAOM in US. Rev. Tin received his Master’s degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from Alhambra Medical University, Master of Longevity Martial arts and Doctoral degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from University of East West Medicine. Rev. Tin is a frequent speaker in many churches and nonprofits organizations.


Tin, Timothy (translated by Mandy Kwan). “A Fatal Journey in Pursuit of Beauty” NYSTM Truth Monthly, April, 2023.

末世預兆與福音廣傳 The Sign of The-end-of-age and Evangelism(華語/英語)

講員 Speaker:滕張佳音博士 Dr. K. Y. Cheung Teng
主题 Title:末世預兆與福音廣傳 The Sign of The-end-of-age and Evangelism
經文 Scripture:(太廿四 3-14) (Matthew 24:3-14)
日期 Date:2023.12.31
語言 Language:華語/英語 Mandarin/ English
地點 Venue:芝城西北郊華人浸信會 Chinese Baptist Church of NW Suburbs

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