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Brown Clouds over Taipei

Brown Clouds over Taipei

The tranquil days and idyllic scenery of Norway were surreal. I indulged in that for over 6 years. Although Oslo, Norway was remote from Chinese theological educational opportunities, I was blessed by Bible teachers from the Chinese Overseas Christian Missions from London and Hong Kong Alliance Bible Seminary through Theological Education by Extension.

悉尼短宣中心 25 週年 (1997-2022) 銀禧感恩特刊

悉尼短宣中心 25 週年 (1997-2022) 銀禧感恩特刊





From World Cup to the Race of Life

From World Cup to the Race of Life

Aren’t our lives like a competition too? Since the moment you were born, your weight has been measured and you would have gone through years of being compared with other children, and your parents will prepare you for all sorts of competitions, whether it is to get into a good school, a decent job, a suitable mate. Life is full of competitions and our society tends to reward the strong and mighty and ignore the weak.

Fainted in Freezing Rain

Fainted in Freezing Rain

My name is Pius Chi-Shing Lee. Until last year, I worked in the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) for two decades as a meteorologist. Since 2011, I have been the team lead responsible for implementing and upgrading NOAA’s air quality forecasting system.

Unworthy to be born

Unworthy to be born

My name is Thuyen-Anh Huynh. My husband is Pius Chi-Shing Lee. Pius is the author of the current issue’s “Storm Buster” column. I was born in the Cholon District, Saigon, Vietnam. I joined my family’s immigration to Sweden when I was sixteen years old.




Life & Death? A Choice in a Crowd!

Life & Death? A Choice in a Crowd!

According to yahoo news, on October 29 in Itaewon, South Korea, one hundred thousand revelers who gathered to celebrate Halloween were caught in a crowd crush, leading to hundreds of fatalities and injuries. President Took Suk-Yeol declared a weeklong mourning as well as a thorough investigation into the tragic incident.






有一個代號為Dart的「雙小行星改道測試」(Double Asteroid Redirection Test)任務是於美東時間9月26日晚上7時14分成功地撞擊目標小行星迪莫弗斯(Dimorphos),據《世界日報》報導:這次太空任務的成功「是人類史上首次實驗能否以人力干預太陽系引力,使預定會撞上地球的小行星偏離軌道的測試,驗證日後若有小行星或彗星對地球構成威脅時,撞走小行星救地球是否可行。

The DART Mission & Apocalyptic Crisis

The DART Mission & Apocalyptic Crisis

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration or NASA has a Double Asteroid Redirection Test or DART mission that successfully changed the orbit of an asteroid named Dimorphos by intentionally smashing into it on September 26th at 7:14 pm EST. This space mission success demonstrates that humans can take action to deflect a potentially deadly asteroid approaching the planet (Tim Fernholz).

中國教會 (2011, 2013-2019 共八年) 有關「佈道/宣教、異端」問卷統計報告

中國教會 (2011, 2013-2019 共八年) 有關「佈道/宣教、異端」問卷統計報告




由於全球暖化的效應,美國最大的人工湖「米德湖」(Lake Mead)因乾旱的緣故,而出現自1937年以來最低水位,只剩下百分之27的水量,由於水位的下降,近幾個月以來,不斷地有浮屍被人發現!警方根據五月ㄧ日所接獲的案件是一個人被槍殺後而棄屍在鐵桶中,然後再被拋入湖底的,估計是發生在1970~80年間的謀殺案。

Floating Corpses on Lake Mead

Floating Corpses on Lake Mead

Due to a global warming trend, Lake Mead, the largest man-made lake in the US, has a water level at 27% of its capacity, the lowest ever recorded since 1937 due to unusual drought conditions. Because of the receding water level, many corpses have been discovered! On May 1st, the police discovered a gun homicide victim possibly in the 1970’s or 80’s that was abandoned in a barrel and discarded in the lake.

Heat Wave & Doomsday

Heat Wave & Doomsday

While the conflict in Ukraine continues to rage on, Europe not only is facing a crisis in energy scarcity, but also a flood of refugee resettlement issues. However, the most shocking devastation is the record breaking heat wave across Western Europe.







Homicide vs Sacrifice

Homicide vs Sacrifice

Recently mass shootings in the US have increased dramatically. The issue of gun control became a hot political topic. The US is reputed to be one of the most powerful free nations in the world, attracting countless immigrants to seek the American dream and freedoms not available elsewhere.



世界在新冠病毒肆虐了兩年之後,人們已經厭倦了病毒「變種」的消息,更加期待病毒「絕種」的福音來到!但是生物的遺傳、變種與絕種都遵行著特定的規律,回顧生物遺傳學之父孟德爾Gregor Johann Mendel,他曾於1865年2月的奧地利自然科學學會會議上報告了自己進行的植物雜交研究結果,第二年發表了著名的《植物雜交試驗》論文,闡述了遺傳學的兩項基本規律——基因的分離定律和基因的自由組合定律。

Nuclear Threat & Endwar

Nuclear Threat & Endwar

As the world witnesses the outbreak of Russia-Ukraine conflict, tragedies occur on a daily basis. The Polish vice prime minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski said during an interview with the German press that Poland is armed and prepared with American nuclear weapons.