


田森傑牧師 / 博士
Rev. Dr. Timothy Tin

■ 現任:

■ 研究成就:
▪︎於 2015 年美國北加州 San Jose State 大學與於 2016 年 UC Berkeley 伯克萊大學全美武術比賽中獲得三面金牌
▪︎於 2017 年在「世界大學運動會」 (法語:Fédération internationale du sport universitaire,縮寫 FISU) 發表其武醫研究碩士論文,推動武術與養生;並在與美國國際醫藥大學太極學院院長翁啟修教授共同努力下,成功將武術推進「世界大學運動會」國際體壇
▪︎於 2017 年中國式摔跤「世界杯」大賽中表演創製的「奇音大刀」,這是一種將樂器與兵器結合的武術創作,同時亦擔任選手救傷護理醫師
▪︎於 2018 年 8 月應美國加州大學 UCLA 東西方醫學中心科研大會主講「太極養生運動與癌症病患的研究」
▪︎於 2018 年榮獲美國灣區國際醫藥大學 (University of East-West Medicine) 針灸及東方醫學博士 (Postgraduate DAOM, Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine)學位

■ 見證:
▪︎田牧師的見證已經透過加拿大 「恩雨之聲」電視節目「乃文乃武」與「人生如戲」,以及國際網路的福音養生節目改變了許多人的生命, 盼望也能使您得到上帝更多的恩典與祝福!

■ 創作:
▪︎於 2018 年創編了「八福養生功」,又於 2022 年續創了「養生八福扇」,這是將武術基本功與耶穌基督的「登山寶訓:八福之道」結合的養生功





The Eternal Meaning Behind Thanksgiving

The Eternal Meaning Behind Thanksgiving

When people think of Thanksgiving, we often think of the bountiful feast with turkey and other dishes. How often do people remember the treacherous journey of the Puritans, who came upon the shores of North America on the Mayflower and their harrowing experience as they settled upon Provincetown, Massachusetts?

Global Boiling: the Call for End Times

Global Boiling: the Call for End Times

On July 27th, the U.N. Secretary General Antonio Guterres issued a dire warning: “The era of global warming has ended, the era of global boiling has arrived.” According to World Weather Attribution (WWA) which analyzed worldwide weather patterns and statistics, the month of July was possibly the hottest period in Planet Earth’s 120,000 years of history.



聯合國秘書長古特雷斯(Antonio Guterres)在7月27日向世界發出警告說:「全球變暖的時代已經結束,全球沸騰的時代已經到來。」根據《世界氣候歸因組織(WWA)》在7月25日從電腦進行模擬的一項有關天氣數據的分析報告,今年7月的高溫熱度可能是地球12萬年來最熱的時期。



在父親節那天,也是2023年6月18日東部夏令時間上午8點,一部由探險公司海洋之門(OceanGate)的總裁兼創始人史塔克頓‧拉許(Stockton Rush)所設計並親自駕駛的「泰坦號」觀光潛艇,在加拿大紐芬蘭省港口城市的聖約翰斯向東約375海哩處潛入海裏,為要探索那艘在111年前沉沒在海底,一萬三千英呎、號稱「永不沉沒」的巨輪「鐵達尼號」。

Escape the Death Trap of the Titan

Escape the Death Trap of the Titan

On June 18, 2023 at 8 am EST, a state-of-the-art submersible led by OceanGate Expeditions’ founder and CEO Stockton Rush, made its descent in Canada’s Newfoundland province approximately 375 miles east of the coastal town of St. Johns. Its objective was to explore the unsinkable Titanic’s wreckage, which sank 111 years ago, its mysteries and at a depth of nearly 13,000 feet below sea.

A Message of Wisdom from the Beginning of the Coronation Ceremony

A Message of Wisdom from the Beginning of the Coronation Ceremony

Despite the fact that the British Empire and its colonialism policies had drawn ire, the tabloids pursued all sorts of gossip about the royal family, as well as lackluster feeling of this coronation (compared to Elizabeth II’s ceremony seventy years ago), Charles III’s coronation’s prelude still contained pearls of ancient wisdom that we should take note of:



縱使有許多人認為大英帝國在歷史中,以殖民主義對其他民族採取霸權統治的手段,並不值得讚揚,加上許多媒體長年以來追蹤報導王室的八卦新聞,而這次查爾斯三世的加冕典禮,更比不上他母親伊麗莎白二世女王(Elizabeth II)在70年前的場面輝煌,然而在這個加冕典禮開場時刻,仍然隱藏著千年的智慧是值得我們深思的。




Earthquake in Turkey & End Times

Earthquake in Turkey & End Times

On the fifteenth day (lantern date) of the 2023 Lunar New Year, Turkey experienced its worst earthquake in the past two centuries! According to reports from the United Nations, on February 6 around midnight, the southern part of Turkey and Northern Syria had massive earthquakes.




From World Cup to the Race of Life

From World Cup to the Race of Life

Aren’t our lives like a competition too? Since the moment you were born, your weight has been measured and you would have gone through years of being compared with other children, and your parents will prepare you for all sorts of competitions, whether it is to get into a good school, a decent job, a suitable mate. Life is full of competitions and our society tends to reward the strong and mighty and ignore the weak.

Life & Death? A Choice in a Crowd!

Life & Death? A Choice in a Crowd!

According to yahoo news, on October 29 in Itaewon, South Korea, one hundred thousand revelers who gathered to celebrate Halloween were caught in a crowd crush, leading to hundreds of fatalities and injuries. President Took Suk-Yeol declared a weeklong mourning as well as a thorough investigation into the tragic incident.




The DART Mission & Apocalyptic Crisis

The DART Mission & Apocalyptic Crisis

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration or NASA has a Double Asteroid Redirection Test or DART mission that successfully changed the orbit of an asteroid named Dimorphos by intentionally smashing into it on September 26th at 7:14 pm EST. This space mission success demonstrates that humans can take action to deflect a potentially deadly asteroid approaching the planet (Tim Fernholz).



有一個代號為Dart的「雙小行星改道測試」(Double Asteroid Redirection Test)任務是於美東時間9月26日晚上7時14分成功地撞擊目標小行星迪莫弗斯(Dimorphos),據《世界日報》報導:這次太空任務的成功「是人類史上首次實驗能否以人力干預太陽系引力,使預定會撞上地球的小行星偏離軌道的測試,驗證日後若有小行星或彗星對地球構成威脅時,撞走小行星救地球是否可行。

Floating Corpses on Lake Mead

Floating Corpses on Lake Mead

Due to a global warming trend, Lake Mead, the largest man-made lake in the US, has a water level at 27% of its capacity, the lowest ever recorded since 1937 due to unusual drought conditions. Because of the receding water level, many corpses have been discovered! On May 1st, the police discovered a gun homicide victim possibly in the 1970’s or 80’s that was abandoned in a barrel and discarded in the lake.



由於全球暖化的效應,美國最大的人工湖「米德湖」(Lake Mead)因乾旱的緣故,而出現自1937年以來最低水位,只剩下百分之27的水量,由於水位的下降,近幾個月以來,不斷地有浮屍被人發現!警方根據五月ㄧ日所接獲的案件是一個人被槍殺後而棄屍在鐵桶中,然後再被拋入湖底的,估計是發生在1970~80年間的謀殺案。

Heat Wave & Doomsday

Heat Wave & Doomsday

While the conflict in Ukraine continues to rage on, Europe not only is facing a crisis in energy scarcity, but also a flood of refugee resettlement issues. However, the most shocking devastation is the record breaking heat wave across Western Europe.

Homicide vs Sacrifice

Homicide vs Sacrifice

Recently mass shootings in the US have increased dramatically. The issue of gun control became a hot political topic. The US is reputed to be one of the most powerful free nations in the world, attracting countless immigrants to seek the American dream and freedoms not available elsewhere.






世界在新冠病毒肆虐了兩年之後,人們已經厭倦了病毒「變種」的消息,更加期待病毒「絕種」的福音來到!但是生物的遺傳、變種與絕種都遵行著特定的規律,回顧生物遺傳學之父孟德爾Gregor Johann Mendel,他曾於1865年2月的奧地利自然科學學會會議上報告了自己進行的植物雜交研究結果,第二年發表了著名的《植物雜交試驗》論文,闡述了遺傳學的兩項基本規律——基因的分離定律和基因的自由組合定律。
