Heat Wave & Doomsday

Author: Pastor Timothy Tin
Translator: Mandy Kwan

While the conflict in Ukraine continues to rage on, Europe not only is facing a crisis in energy scarcity, but also a flood of refugee resettlement issues. However, the most shocking devastation is the record breaking heat wave across Western Europe. According to the BBC, Portugal had a record high temperature of 47 degrees Celsius. In Great Britain, certain regions issued extreme heat warnings. On July 19 of 2022, a few regions in UK have reached a record temperature of 40.3 degrees Celsius. Dr. Eunice Lo, a climate scientist of the University of Bristol told BBC that rising temperatures is a sign of climate change. Every year 2000 people die of heat related deaths. Since 1884, the ten hottest summers all happened after 2002. According to Dr. Lo global heat waves are more common and have persisted for a longer duration. This heat wave also caused severe forest fires; France has placed 22 of its regions mostly along the Atlantic shoreline on high orange alert. A resident of the Southwestern part of France claimed the forest fires were post-apocalyptic. The fires had already decimated 10,500 hectares (26,000 acres) of land (Laurence Peter, BBC reporter, July 18, 2022).

The British meteorological agency announced that this heat wave had set a record high temperature in the last 350 years. The World Health Organization regional director Hans Kluge pointed out that the heatwaves across Europe have already threatened the health and viability of those impacted. Heat stroke or other conditions due to inability to regulate body temperature, will cause pain, even death, and is more prone in young children or the elderly. From all the reports listed above, it is evident that the global greenhouse effect causes dire circumstances. This corresponds to one of the biblical signs of the end times. It means, the temperature will rise extremely high and the heat from the sun is hot enough to incinerate a human’s flesh. In the book of Revelations 16:8 it states “The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was allowed to scorch people with fire.” In this prophecy, the angel poured out the vial onto the sun. This caused dramatic changes hence extreme waves. “They were seared by the intense heat and they cursed the name of God, who had control over these plagues, but they refused to repent and glorify him.” (Revelations 16:9)

Will this truly happen on earth? According to a report in New Scientist by Joshua Sokol, if a large enough comet crashed into the sun,” the steep fall into the sun’s gravity would accelerate it to more than 600 kilometer per second. At that speed, the drag from the sun’s lower atmosphere would flatten the comet into a pancake right before it exploded in an airburst, releasing ultraviolet radiation and X-rays that we could see with modern instruments. The crash would unleash as much energy as a magnetic flare or coronal mass ejection, but over a much smaller area.”This is only a speculation, scientists have yet to accurately predict what would actually occur. It is hard for us to imagine stars crashing into the sun and releasing many solar flares. Even if this does not occur in the future, expect this to be an unavoidable fate.

“Our God comes and will not be silent; a fire devours before him, and around him a tempest rages.” (Psalms psalm 50:3) God will come and judge this world, and those who believe in Jesus will have their souls saved. Those who don’t know Jesus will be “Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the second death.” (Revelations 20:14). Dear friends, from the recent heat waves, we can see, in the future, the scorching sun potentially harmful to everyone. Are you willing to accept Jesus and prepare yourself to meet with the eternal God? If so, please pray this prayer. “Dear God, I thank you for your love. Let me see your glory in the midst of confusion. I sincerely accept Jesus as my personal Savior and ask for His forgiveness, so that I may receive eternal life. In Jesus’s name I pray, amen.”

Author: Pastor of Christian Alliance Bible Church in Los Angeles, CA


Tin, Timothy (translated by Mandy Kwan). “Heat Wave & Doomsday.” NYSTM Truth Monthly, September, 2022.




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