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[Storm Buster] Storm Surge

[Storm Buster] Storm Surge

Storm surge causes inundation of large swaths of coastal land. Eleven years ago, storm surge from Hurricane Sandy havocked large damages in New York (NY) and New Jersey (NJ). Today, some of those destructions are still noticeable and remain unrepaired.




The Eternal Meaning Behind Thanksgiving

The Eternal Meaning Behind Thanksgiving

When people think of Thanksgiving, we often think of the bountiful feast with turkey and other dishes. How often do people remember the treacherous journey of the Puritans, who came upon the shores of North America on the Mayflower and their harrowing experience as they settled upon Provincetown, Massachusetts?









聯合國秘書長古特雷斯(Antonio Guterres)在7月27日向世界發出警告說:「全球變暖的時代已經結束,全球沸騰的時代已經到來。」根據《世界氣候歸因組織(WWA)》在7月25日從電腦進行模擬的一項有關天氣數據的分析報告,今年7月的高溫熱度可能是地球12萬年來最熱的時期。

Global Boiling: the Call for End Times

Global Boiling: the Call for End Times

On July 27th, the U.N. Secretary General Antonio Guterres issued a dire warning: “The era of global warming has ended, the era of global boiling has arrived.” According to World Weather Attribution (WWA) which analyzed worldwide weather patterns and statistics, the month of July was possibly the hottest period in Planet Earth’s 120,000 years of history.




Cultural Divide

Cultural Divide

Born in Vietnam, my siblings of six including myself, lived in a Chinese town called “Cholon”. Cantonese was the business dialect that even the native Vietnamese learned to speak. Many of the Vietnamese natives sent their children to Chinese schools.



Heatwaves in many parts of the Northern Hemisphere captured the public’s attention. The inadequacy of the central air conditioning units in many of the northern cities testifies to the unexpected increase in air temperature across Northern Europe, Asia and America.