Hidden Numbers in the Bible & the Wisdom of the Almighty

Author: Timothy Tin
Translator: Mandy Kwan

There are countless great works of literature in the world, but only the Bible is the foremost book of wonder. Not only are there ancient manuscripts of it and hold the records of having the most translations, but also there are numerous authors to the Bible as well. It has been written over a thousand years, containing a total of 66 books, with 39 books in the Old Testament written in Hebrew and 27 books written in Greek in the New Testament. Surprisingly the Bible initially did not have chapters or verses, not until 1560 when the Geneva Bible was published as the first English Bible with chapters and verses. In 1782, Robert Aitken’s Bible published the King James Bible (written in 1611) for the first time in the thirteen colonies after the U.S. gained independence from the British, coining this bible as “The Bible of the Revolution”. This translation has 1189 chapters and 31102 verses. After nearly 240 years to this present day, even though countless English translations have resulted, the King James Bible has many numerical coincidences and patterns that would amaze readers. Recently Brandon Peterson used computer statistical tools to calculate amazing patterns and results:

  1. In the first book of the Old Testament, Genesis, the first chapter has 343 words spoken by God, 343 = 7x7x7.
  1. In the first book of the New Testament, the gospel of Matthew, the first chapter has 49 words spoken by God, 49=7×7.
  1. The first word in the Bible, “In” appears in the book of Genesis 767 times. The last word in the Bible, “Amen” appears 10 times in the last book (Revelation 22:21). When you add these numbers together, 767+10=777.
  1. The word “Amen” appears 77 times in the Bible.
  1. The seventh word in the Bible is “Heaven”; the seventh to the last word of the Bible is “Jesus”. “Heaven” appears 582 times while “Jesus” appears 973 times, 582 + 973 = 777 +777.
  1. The Bible has 49 verses that contain both ‘Heaven’ and ‘Jesus’, 49=7×7.
  1. The seventh word in the New Testament is “Jesus”. The same word appears in the seventh to the last word in the book of Revelation.’’
  1. “Jesus Christ” appears 196 times in the Bible. 196= 2x2x7x7= (1+2+3+4+5+6+7)x7
    That term appears in 147 chapters, 147=(7+7+7)x7.
  1. The number of words that begin with the letter “a” in the book of Genesis, the Bible’s first book, is 7674. In the book of Revelation, the last book of the Bible, the number of words that begin with the letter ‘z’ is 103. “a” + “z” = 7674 + 103 = 7777. The letter “a” is the first letter of the alphabet, and “z” is the last letter. 7 is a perfect or complete number in the Bible. The beginning and the end together results in completion or perfection. This amazing numerical fact shows how the last verse in the entire Bible is true, “And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last” (Revelation 22:12-13).
  1. In the book of Genesis, the word “I” appears 651 times. In the book of Revelation, the word “come” appears 126 times. “I” + “come” = 651 + 126 = 777. The first record of Jesus’ spoken words were recorded in the gospel of Luke 2:49, “‘Why were you searching for me?’” he asked. ‘And he said unto them, How is it that ye sought me? wist ye not that I must be about my Father’s business?’” So, 49 = 7×7. His first sentence is: “How is it that ye sought me” contains 7 English words or 21 letters (7 + 7 + 7). In the same book of Luke, Jesus’ last utterance is in 24:49 (49 = 7 x 7) “And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high” (Luke 24:49). This statement contains 28 words ( 7 + 7 + 7 + 7) or 105 letters (7 x 7) + (7 x 7) + 7
  1. In the last chapter of the gospel of Luke, Jesus spoke a total of 210 words = 70 + 70 + 70. In the gospel of Luke, Jesus also mentioned the word “Father” 21 times = 7 + 7 + 7. The letter ‘F’, when the word “Father” was first mentioned in Luke, is the 49th letter in that book (7 x 7). In the last mention of “Father”, the letter ‘f’ is the 77th letter counting from the end backwards. Luke mentioned that there were 77 generations from Adam to Jesus (Luke 3:23-28). Everything that has been mentioned is just the tip of the iceberg. Referring to Brandon Peterson’s “Sealed By the King”, the total number of bible verses are 31102 = 7774 + 7775 + 7776 + 7777. (“Scientifically Verifiable Proof That God Wrote The Bible”, https://truthischrist.com/pocketgospeltract-verified-with-screenshots)

As we marvel at these amazing numerical calculations, we discover that they are not the results of meticulous planning or collaborations among the various authors and translators. We noticed how it is through the desires of truth seekers with present day modern technology that we can reveal the limitless wisdom hidden within the Bible. This proves how God is truly the Author behind the Bible and its translation. The Bible is a testament of the indisputable existence of an omnipotent and Lord of life: Jesus Christ! These hidden numbers tell us that “the final days of Noah are near!” This is because Noah’s father Lamech died at the age of 777, and five years after his death, the floodwaters engulfed the earth! Dear friends, are you willing to repent and turn to Jesus Christ? If you are, please pray this with me: “Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I thank you for using this article to open the eyes of my heart, to see the wisdom and authority you behold, and how you are in control of everything. Every Bible verse comes from You. I now commit my life into your hands. Please forgive my transgressions and grant me eternal life! I pray with sincerity in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.”

Author: Rev. (Dr.) Timothy Tin is the lead pastor of the Christian Alliance Bible Church in L.A.. Rev. Tin serves as Board of Director in the International Fellowship of Christian Short Term Missions and Presence Quotient. Rev. Tin is currently teaching in USA Christian Mission Seminary. He holds practitioner’s licenses of acupuncture in Southern CA and NACCAOM in US. Rev. Tin received his Master’s degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from Alhambra Medical University, Master of Longevity Martial arts and Doctoral degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from University of East West Medicine. Rev. Tin is a frequent speaker in many churches and nonprofits organizations.


Tin, Timothy (translated by Mandy Kwan). “Hidden Numbers in the Bible & the Wisdom of the Almighty” NYSTM Truth Monthly, October, 2023.







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